19h09 Le pace car rentre au stand après avoir retenu les voitures pendant 3 tours, soit plus de 20 minutes. L'Audi n°1, leader de l'épreuve, a couvert 41 tours.
19h11 La Panoz de Gary Formato, rentre à son box à cause d'un nouveau problème mécanique.
19h13 Le Portugais de la Chrysler n°14 a effectué un nouveau tête-à-queue. Mais il a pu repartir après avoir traversé le bac à gravier.
19h14 La Bentley n°7 a baissé de rythme. Elle vient de se faire doubler par l'Audi n°2, qui s'empare de la 2e place. Derrière eux, l'Audi n°3 de Johnny Herbert a dépossédé la Bentley n°8 de la 4e place.
19h19 La Cadillac a perdu la roue avant droite. Max Angelelli est rentré au stand. Les mécaniciens démontent l'auto pour vérifier les suspensions.
19h22 La Bentley n°8 perd encore une place
19h24 L'audi n°4 s'arrête sur la piste
19h27 Nouvelle intervention du Pace Car
19h28 Grosse affluence dans les stands
19h34 La Dome n°10 est au ralenti dans les Hunaudières
19h36 La Pace car d'efface
La R8 n°4 de Johansson, plutôt malmenée depuis le départ avec notammment un changement complet de l'avant, du fond plat et des suspensions après un tête-à-queue, a de nouveau donné des signes de faiblesses en s'arrêtant dans la ligne droite des Hunaudières. Le pilote suédois qui a pu finalement repartir après plusieurs minutes d'incertitude a rejoint son stand au ralenti. Alors que Patrick Lemarié venait juste de prendre le volant, il été signalé à son tour à l'arrêt.
La pluie qui continue de s'abattre sur le circuit a de nouveau contraint la direction de course à sortir les pace-cars. Les conditions climatiques déplorables ont semblent-ils causé des tourments du côté de l'électronique. La commande électrique de boîte de vitesses qui s'est montrée réticente sur les deux Panoz, a obligé le team à rentrer les deux " batmobiles " dans le stand.
Chez Dome, l'eau fait également des dégâts puisque Casper Elgaard, qui était pointé dans le top 10, s'est arrêté en pleine ligne droite des Hunaudières. Le Danois est finalement reparti pour tenter de gagner son stand. Là encore, on évoque un problème électronique.
Cadillac, qui ne connaissait pas de gros soucis depuis le départ, vient d'avoir un premier problème sérieux quand Massimiliano Angelelli a perdu sa roue avant droite en rentrant au stand. Les disques fortement endommagés à l'arrière ont obligé l'équipe à changer tout le train arrière.
A noter l'excellent comportement de la Reynard Lehmann n°38 du team Roc Auto qui s'est adjugée la tête du classement provisoire en LM-P 675. Très régulière depuis le départ, la voiture de Jean-Denis Deletraz, Pascal Fabre et Jordi Gene tourne comme une horlorge. La MG n°33, immobilisé à son stand, souffre de problèmes d'échappement.
Tandis que les Viper et les Saleen connaissent une série noire, les Corvette n°64 et n°63 ont toujours le commandement des opérations.
Enfin en GT, la Porsche n°83 du Seikel Motorsport mène la danse devant la n°77 du team de Freisinger et n°74 du team Luc Alphand Adventure.
The Johansson team still not spared
Saturday, June 16th, 2001
As per the qualifying sessions, the Audis n°1, n°2 and n°3 are still in the lead, while the rain is still acting as a killjoy and continues to interfere, notably with respect to electronics.
Johansson's R8 n°4, rather badly treated since the start, with notably a complete change of the front end, of the flat floor and of the suspensions pursuant to a spin, has again given signs of weaknesses by stopping on the Hunaudières straight.
The Swedish pilot that finally managed to get going again after several minutes of uncertainty has slowly returned to the pits. Just as Patrick Lemarié had just started driving, it was signalled that he had also stopped.
The rain that is still falling on the track has again constrained the management of the race to use the pace cars. The deplorable climatical conditions have, it seems, caused trouble to the electronics. The electric gearbox, which has caused problems on both the Panoz cars, has caused the team to have both "batmobiles" regain the pits.
In the Dome team, water is also causing trouble since Casper Elgaard, who was in the top 10, has stopped on the Hunaudières straight. The Danish finally restarted the car in an attempt to regain the pits. There again, an electronic problem could be at source.
Cadillac, which had not experienced any real trouble since the start of the race, has just had a first serious problem when Massimiliano Angelelli lost his front right wheel when entering the pits. The seriously damaged discs at the rear forced the team to change all of the rear end.
The excellent behaviour of the team Roc Auto's Reynard Lehmann n° 38 should be noted as it is in provisional lead of the LMP 675 class. The car of Jean-Denis Deletraz, Pascal Fabre and Jordi Gene are very regular since the start of the race and seem very reliable. The MG n°33, which is immobilised at the pits, suffers from exhaust problems.
After the black serial that has impacted the Vipers and the Saleens, the n°64 and n°63 Corvettes are leading the way.
Finally in the GT class, the Seikel Motorsport's team n°83 Porsche is in the lead in front of the Freisinger's team n°77 and of the Luc Alphand Adventure's team n°74.
Pos. | N° | Voitures | Pilotes | Tours | Ecart | Meilleur temps |
1 | 1 | AUDI SPORT TEAM JOEST | Biela | 51 | 3:39.096 | |
( LMP900 ) | Kristensen | |||||
Pirro | ||||||
2 | 2 | AUDI SPORT NORTH AMERICA | Aiello | 51 | 02:22.014 | 3:39.046 |
( LMP900 ) | Capello | |||||
Pescatori | ||||||
3 | 3 | CHAMPION RACING | Herbert | 50 | 1 T | 3:42.883 |
( LMP900 ) | Kelleners | |||||
Theys | ||||||
4 | 7 | TEAM BENTLEY | Brundle | 50 | 00:05.769 | 3:43.075 |
( LMGTP ) | Ortelli | |||||
Smith | ||||||
5 | 15 | VIPER TEAM ORECA | Dalmas | 50 | 00:13.093 | 3:45.707 |
( LMP900 ) | Montagny | |||||
Sarrazin | ||||||
6 | 17 | PESCAROLO SPORT | Boullion | 50 | 00:35.443 | 3:46.226 |
( LMP900 ) | Bourdais | |||||
Redon | ||||||
7 | 8 | TEAM BENTLEY | Wallace | 49 | 2 T | 3:42.713 |
( LMGTP ) | Leitzinger | |||||
Van De Poele | ||||||
8 | 16 | TEAM PLAYSTATION | Beretta | 49 | 04:04.055 | 3:46.181 |
( LMP900 ) | Wendlinger | |||||
Lamy | ||||||
9 | 5 | DAMS | Collard | 49 | 04:20.068 | 3:46.018 |
( LMP900 ) | Goossens | |||||
Bernard | ||||||
10 | 38 | ROC AUTO | Deletraz | 49 | 05:16.311 | 3:53.577 |
( LMP675 ) | Fabre | |||||
Gene | ||||||
11 | 14 | VIPER TEAM ORECA | Ara | 49 | 06:00.107 | 3:46.287 |
( LMP900 ) | Amorim | |||||
Kondo | ||||||
12 | 33 | MG SPORT & RACING LTD | McGarrity | 48 | 3 T | 3:45.961 |
( LMP675 ) | Blundell | |||||
Bailey | ||||||
13 | 64 | CORVETTE RACING GARY PRATT | Pilgrim | 48 | 02:57.673 | 4:04.342 |
( LMGTS ) | Collins | |||||
Freon | ||||||
14 | 63 | CORVETTE RACING GARY PRATT | Fellows | 47 | 4 T | 4:05.964 |
( LMGTS ) | O'Connell | |||||
Pruett | ||||||
15 | 62 | RML | McKellar | 47 | 03:34.301 | 4:03.226 |
( LMGTS ) | Lambert | |||||
Mowlem | ||||||
16 | 20 | TEAM ASCARI | Lupberger | 46 | 5 T | 3:47.276 |
( LMP900 ) | Collins | |||||
Toivonen | ||||||
17 | 6 | DAMS | Taylor | 46 | 00:12.688 | 3:47.942 |
( LMP900 ) | Angelelli | |||||
Tinseau | ||||||
18 | 21 | TEAM ASCARI | Pompidou | 46 | 00:54.446 | 3:49.354 |
( LMP900 ) | Maxwell | |||||
Zwart | ||||||
19 | 36 | DICK BARBOUR | De Radigues | 46 | 03:49.022 | 3:50.572 |
( LMP675 ) | Maassen | |||||
Matsuda | ||||||
20 | 10 | TEAM DEN BLA AVIS | Nielsen | 45 | 6 T | 3:46.217 |
( LMP900 ) | Katoh | |||||
Elgaard | ||||||
21 | 83 | SEIKEL MOTORSPORT | Rosa | 45 | 21:23.488 | 4:23.003 |
( LMGT ) | Babini | |||||
Drudi | ||||||
22 | 77 | FREISINGER MOTORSPORT | Jeannette | 45 | 22:19.790 | 4:20.396 |
( LMGT ) | Dumas | |||||
Haezebrouck | ||||||
23 | 74 | WARMUP LUC ALPHAND ADVENTURES | Alphand | 45 | 22:26.869 | 4:21.989 |
( LMGT ) | Ligonnet | |||||
Marques | ||||||
24 | 70 | ASPEN KNOLLS | Mazzuoccola | 45 | 24:53.697 | 4:19.238 |
( LMGT ) | Rice | |||||
Wagner | ||||||
25 | 75 | PERSPECTIVE RACING | Perrier | 45 | 25:16.663 | 4:25.301 |
( LMGT ) | Neugarten | |||||
Smith | ||||||
26 | 80 | LARBRE COMPETITION | Chereau | 44 | 7 T | 4:20.819 |
( LMGT ) | Dumez | |||||
Goueslard | ||||||
27 | 76 | PK SPORT LTD | Youles | 44 | 00:27.289 | 4:23.366 |
( LMGT ) | Day | |||||
Warnock | ||||||
28 | 82 | SEIKEL MOTORSPORT | Burgess | 44 | 01:27.076 | 4:27.459 |
( LMGT ) | Cohen-Olivar | |||||
Bagnall | ||||||
29 | 60 | SALEEN | Borcheller | 44 | 03:23.190 | 4:03.410 |
( LMGTS ) | Gavin | |||||
Konrad | ||||||
30 | 72 | TEAM TAISAN ADVAN | Fukuyama | 43 | 8 T | 4:23.309 |
( LMGT ) | Yogo | |||||
Nishizawa | ||||||
31 | 55 | PAUL BELMONDO RACING | Vosse | 42 | 9 T | 4:07.772 |
( LMGTS ) | Rosenblad | |||||
Ickx | ||||||
32 | 71 | RACING ENGINEERING | Donovan | 42 | 03:17.893 | 4:30.603 |
( LMGT ) | Lingner | |||||
Mac Allister | ||||||
33 | 9 | RACING FOR HOLLAND | Lammers | 41 | 10 T | 3:42.172 |
( LMP900 ) | Hillebrand | |||||
Crevels | ||||||
34 | 32 | ROOCK-KNIGHT HAWK RACING | Hürtgen | 40 | 11 T | 4:01.299 |
( LMP675 ) | Fairbanks | |||||
Gleason | ||||||
35 | 79 | DEL-BELLO NOEL | Noel | 39 | 12 T | 4:20.492 |
( LMGT ) | Forgeois | |||||
Maury Laribiere | ||||||
36 | 18 | PESCAROLO SPORT | Clerico | 39 | 03:53.776 | 3:51.581 |
( LMP900 ) | Cottaz | |||||
Derichebourg | ||||||
37 | 30 | WELTER GERARD | De Fournoux | 36 | 15 T | 4:02.564 |
( LMP675 ) | Daoudi | |||||
Terada | ||||||
38 | 4 | JOHANSSON MOTORSPORT | Johansson | 35 | 16 T | 3:40.362 |
( LMP900 ) | Coronel | |||||
Lemarie | ||||||
39 | 11 | PANOZ MOTOR SPORTS | Graf | 34 | 17 T | 3:57.756 |
( LMP900 ) | Daevis | |||||
Formato | ||||||
40 | 19 | SMG | Gache | 34 | 52:59.526 | 3:47.410 |
( LMP900 ) | Beltoise | |||||
Policand | ||||||
41 | 12 | PANOZ MOTOR SPORTS | Brabham | 33 | 18 T | 3:51.126 |
( LMP900 ) | Magnussen | |||||
Lagorce | ||||||
42 | 56 | PAUL BELMONDO RACING | Lagniez | 32 | 19 T | 4:08.245 |
( LMGTS ) | De Galzin | |||||
Kumpen | ||||||
43 | 34 | MG SPORT & RACING LTD | Reid | 26 | 25 T | 3:45.604 |
( LMP675 ) | Hughes | |||||
Kane | ||||||
44 | 58 | LARBRE COMPETITION | Bouchut | 24 | 27 T | 4:03.805 |
( LMGTS ) | Belloc | |||||
Monteiro | ||||||
45 | 37 | DICK BARBOUR | Duno | 4 | 47 T | 4:05.059 |
( LMP675 ) | Graham | |||||
Murry | ||||||
46 | 61 | KONRAD MOTORSPORT | Seiler | 4 | 03:36.304 | 4:05.230 |
( LMGTS ) | Brun | |||||
Slater | ||||||
47 | 57 | EQUIPE DE FRANCE FFSA | Terrien | |||
( LMGTS ) | Cochet | |||||
Dayraut | ||||||
48 | 35 | S+R ROWAN RACING LTD | Carway | |||
( LMP675 ) | O'Connell | |||||
Migault |